Support Home > Campaign Management > Create a Twitter Campaign

Create a Twitter Campaign

Feature Summary: The following document defines the process for creating a Twitter campaign within Kochava. This setup allows Kochava to send installs to Twitter to allow for attribution.


Data Needed Before Beginning Process:

  • Twitter Ads account.
  • NOTE: If during the connect process an error is shown “No twitter ads account connected to your account” it means that the account has been authenticated with is not an ads account and can not run traffic.

  • App Bundle ID (i.e., Package Name).
  • NOTE: The App Bundle ID may be entered when the app was added to Kochava. If the App Bundle ID is entered when an app is created or edited, you do not need to add the ID to the tracker.


Use Cases for Twitter Campaign:

  • An app marketing campaign needs to be created for Twitter network.


NOTE: The Twitter setup process for iOS and Android is similar and therefore this document will cover the setup for both operating systems, with specific differences noted.

NOTE: Twitter is one of Kochava’s network partners which claims its own installs, this type of network is known as a SAN. Twitter will always claim its own installs, with the exception of mobile web inventory or any inventory that does not have access to a device ID. This means that conversions claimed by Twitter may subsequently be attributed by Kochava to other networks. It is therefore expected for Kochava to show fewer installs than are shown in the Twitter system.


CAUTION: With a recent Twitter update, a key/value pair was added called is_granular_data_sharing_allowed. When the value for this key is set to false, the Advertiser has not yet agreed to Twitter’s AMM terms. Kochava will honor the claim, but be forced to redact the Twitter campaign metadata associated to the row level device details. If/when Twitter’s AMM terms are agreed to (in the Twitter platform), Kochava will be able to replace those redacted values with the campaign metadata.

NOTE: Twitter users have the ability to control what is shared with Twitter partners which can lead to inconsistencies in censoring, regardless of the AMM agreement.


Kochava HIGHLY recommends that advertisers join the Twitter Advanced Mobile Measurement Program (AMMP) > Mobile App, Conversion Tracking & Audience Manager > Advanced Mobile Measurement Program Agreement Form. Once the advertiser has joined AMMP, Twitter can provide the data needed for accurate measurement and you may receive expanded device-level data after granting Twitter the right to perform an audit to ensure that Twitter data is being used exclusively for measurement purposes. This is consistent with common practices throughout the industry. By joining Twitter’s AMM Program, you will receive more complete device-level data, which will in turn reduce the discrepancy between our report and Twitter’s dashboard. If AMMP is not joined, discrepancies between Kochava and Twitter reporting will exist.

Authenticating with Twitter

  1. Log into a Twitter Ad Account.

    Twitter Ads Login


  3. Click App Installs

    App Installs


  5. Choose an app to promote.
  6. If Conversion Tracking has not been set up for the app, Click Set up conversion tracking.

    Setup Conversion Tracking
    A. Link to set up Conversion Tracking.


    NOTE: If previous campaigns have been set up within Twitter Ads, Conversion Tracking may be navigated to by Selecting Tools > Conversion Tracking.

  8. Click Go to Kochava.

    Go to Kochava


    NOTE: After clicking on Go to Kochava, a pop-up box will appear warning that you will be redirected from Twitter Ads to Kochava. The page will be redirected to the Kochava log in screen.

  10. In the pop-up box, Click Go to Kochava.
  11. Enter Kochava log in credentials.
  12. Select Account Options > Twitter Connect.
  13. Click Connect for the desired Twitter account.

    Sign in with Twitter


    NOTE: Multiple Twitter accounts may be connected at the same time, for more information refer to Twitter’s Multi-User login support documentation.

Create a Twitter Campaign

BEST PRACTICES: It is HIGHLY recommended that a Tracker ID be appended to the partner campaign name e.g., the campaign name within the Twitter UI. The Tracker ID can be easily located within Kochava’s Campaign Manager, expand the section below for instructions on locating the ID.

  1. Once a tracker has been created, navigate to Campaign Manager.
  2. Locate and click on the desired Campaign.
  3. Located the desired Segment, and click on the expand arrow.
  4. Locate the desired Tracker, and click on the expand arrow.
  5. Locate and copy the Tracker ID.


Locating Tracker ID


  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. Select Links > Campaign Manager.


  1. Click Add a Tracker or Select Segment Tools () > Add a Tracker.
    1. Select the Campaign.
    2. Select the Segment.

    NOTE: In order to streamline the Campaign/Segment/Tracker creation process a feature has been added to allow the creation of campaigns and segments while creating a new tracker. For more information about creating a campaign or segment while adding a new tracker, refer to our Create an Install Campaign support document.


    Add a Tracker


  2. Enter a unique Tracker Name.
  3. Select Tracker Type > Acquisition. (default setting)
  4. Select Select a Network > Twitter:
    1. Twitter—Android (Android)
    2. Twitter—iOS (iOS)
  5. Select the desired Twitter account(s).
  6. NOTE: Multiple Twitter accounts may be selected.

  7. Select Default Tracker:
    1. On
    2. Off (default)
    3. NOTE: Selecting On will allow SAN network traffic to funnel to the default tracker when no tracker ID is present. If a default tracker is not set up and the tracker ID is not appended to the partner campaign name, that data will be bucketed in the most recently set up tracker for that network.

  8. Enter the App Bundle ID (If not entered during app creation/editing). For further information about locating the Bundle ID, click here.
  9. NOTE: The App Bundle ID may be entered when the app was added to Kochava. If the App Bundle ID is entered when an app is created or edited, the ID will be automatically populated into the tracker.

  10. Select a Target Event. (optional)
  11. Select a Post-Click Attribution Window. (optional)
  12. Select a Post-View Attribution Window. (optional)
  13. Click Save. (If no further trackers need to be created).
  14. Click Save & Add Another Tracker. (If additional trackers need to be created).
  15. Click Save & Create Postback. (To navigate directly to the Partner Configuration page).

    Acquisition Tracker Settings
    A. Campaign and Segment selection/creation section.
    B. Select a Twitter Account. Multiple Accounts may be selected.


BEST PRACTICES: Attribution Windows – When Twitter trackers are created in the Kochava dashboard, lookback windows are set within Kochava and the Twitter dashboard. These lookback windows should align or Twitter can surface installs in their platform but not report those installs to Kochava based off the lookback windows set in Kochava.


NOTE: In order to post events back to Twitter, a reengagement tracker must be created regardless if the event is a true reengagement event or simply posting an event back to Twitter. For more information on creating a reengagement tracker, refer to our Create a Twitter Reengagement Campaign.

Create a Twitter Postback Configuration

  1. Select Apps & Assets > Partner Configuration.


  1. Click Add a Configuration.
  2. Select Network Partner > Twitter:
    1. Twitter—Android (Android)
    2. Twitter—iOS (iOS)
  3. Click Go.

    Add a Partner Configuration


  5. Click Install > Postback Tools () > Edit.
  6. Enter the App ID:
    1. iTunes App ID (iOS)
    2. Package Name (Android)
  7. Select a Delivery Delay. (optional)
  8. Select the number of Retry Attempts. (optional)
  9. Click Save.

    Postback Settings
    A. Enter App ID (iOS) or Package Name (Android)

SKAdNetwork Reporting

Under Apple’s SKAdNetwork Twitter will receive the postbacks directly from Apple, and then forward those SKAdNetwork postback to Kochava with some additional metadata for reporting.

NOTE: For additional questions related to how SKAdNetwork impacts your Twitter campaigns, refer to their support documentation.

NOTE: The Kochava – Twitter API hooks programmatically pull in your conversionValue model and schema


in_timestampstringInstall timestamp in milliseconds. This is when the postback was received by Twitter.
transaction_idstringUnique ID used for deduplication tied to a conversion.
app_idstringID for the advertised app.
redownloadbooleanFlag for a reinstall.
source_app_idstringID of app where ad was served. Twitter’s App ID for Twitter Ads inventory.
For more information on TAP refer to Twitter Audience Platform (TAP).
conversion_valuestring0-63, must be sent in incremental values by the advertised app. This will
be null for v1 postbacks or v2 postbacks without a conversion value due to
Apple’s privacy minimum threshold.
versionstringVersion of install validation postback. Will be 1.0 if source app uses
pre-iOS14 SDK and 2.0 for all apps running iOS14.
partner_campaign_idstringTwitter campaign ID.
partner_campaign_namestringTwitter campaign name.
sub_campaign_idstringA reference to the line item in Twitter Ads that produced the ad event.
sub_campaign_namestringName of the line item in Twitter Ads that produced the ad event.
fidelity_typebooleanSKAdNetwork parameter indicating the type of conversion. 0 indicates a view, 1 indicates a click.
did_winbooleanSKAdNetwork parameter indicating if the forward was the last touch before action or an influencing ad exposure (true, false).

Parameter Mapping:

  • in_timestamp maps to timestamp
  • partner_campaign_id maps to campaign_id
  • partner_campaign_name maps to campaign_name
  • sub_campaign_id maps to line_item_id
  • sub_campaign_name maps to line_item_name


Last Modified: Jan 27, 2025 at 2:15 pm