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Query Reference

The following document defines the tables accessible within Query for the creation of custom queries.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Latitude and Longitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

Clicks Tables

The following tables associated with Click data are accessible within Query.




Table ColumnDescription
*click_idThis is the primary key of this table and is used to join out to other tables within Kochava Query.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the click was received.
identifier_typeThe type of identifier received from the click.
identifier_valueA device identifier corresponding to the identifier_type of the row.

* Indicates the foreign key for Click Tables JOIN.




Table ColumnDescription
app_nameThe user-defined name for the app from which the click originated.
appstore_idThe app-specific ID on the app store sites.
carrierThe wireless carrier used on the device where the click originated.
click_costThe user-defined cost per click.
*click_idThis is the primary key of this table and is used to join out to other tables within Kochava Query.
cost_typeThe Cost per Click, Cost per Install, or Cost per Mille.
country_code2-digit country designation where the click originated, based on IP lookup.
cp1 thru cp15User-defined custom parameters.


NOTE: Custom parameters available in the UI do not match the customer parameters available in Query. However, the click/UI parameters will map to the Query parameters with an offset of 1.


Click KeyKochava Query
creative_idThe network-supplied network_id value received.
creative_sizeThe dimensions of the served creative.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the click was received.
dmaThe code for the designated marketing area where the click originated, based on IP lookup.
exchangeIf an ad exchange is utilized, the name of the exchange will be displayed.
http_referrerThe raw URL which was received from network referral.
original_requestThe query parameters and values received.
partner_click_idThe click ID as supplied by the network and received.
referrerThe Google Referrer parameters passed.
site_idIdentifies the site to which the click was served within the publisher partner.

* Indicates the foreign key for Click Tables JOIN.




Table ColumnDescription
adidRaw ADID received (Android specific).
android_idRaw Android_ID received (Android specific).
attribution_moduleThe module (Kochava or SAN) in which attribution was determined.
campaign_nameThe user-defined name for the campaign to which the install was attributed.
cityThe name of the city where the click originated based on IP lookup.
*click_idThis is the primary key of this table and is used to join out to other tables within Kochava Query.
costThe user-defined cost per click.
cost_typeThe Cost per Click, Cost per Install, or Cost per Mille.
country_code2-digit country designation where the click originated, based on IP lookup.
cp1 thru cp15User-defined custom parameters.


NOTE: Custom parameters available in the UI do not match the customer parameters available in Query. However, the click/UI parameters will map to the Query parameters with an offset of 1.


Click KeyKochava Query
creative_idThe network-supplied network_id value received.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the click was received.
device_marketing_nameThe marketing name used to describe the device by the manufacturer (e.g. Galaxy S7).
device_modelThe model of the device that installed the app.
device_os_nameThe name of the operating system installed on the device.
device_os_versionThe version of the operating system installed on the device.
device_uaUser Agent of the device gathered upon click.
device_verThe device type and version of the device received on click.
duplicateThe click_id of the duplicate click. If the value is 0, there is no duplicate click.
identifiersAn array of all device identifiers received.
idfaRaw IDFA received (iOS specific).
idfvRaw IDFV received (iOS specific).
ip_addressThe IP address from which the click originated.
kochava_click_idClick ID assigned by Kochava.
latitudeThe latitude where the click originated based on IP lookup.

Latitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

longitudeThe longitude where the click originated based on IP lookup.

Longitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

matched_to_idThe click_id or impression_id of the click/impression which won attribution.
matched_to_typeThe type of event which triggered the attribution (e.g. click, impression).
network_idThe Kochava-specific ID of the network to which the install was attributed.
network_nameThe name of the network to which the install was attributed.
original_requestThe query parameters and values received.
partner_click_idThe click ID as supplied by the network and received.
postal_codeThe postal code of the region where the click originated based on IP lookup.
regionAn alphanumeric code identifying the geographic region where the click originated based on IP lookup.
segment_idThe segment ID assigned by Kochava.
site_idIdentifies the site to which the click was served within the publisher partner.
tracker_guidThe Kochava-specific ID for the tracker from which the click originated. This field is also referred to as the campaign ID within other parts of analytics and reporting.
tracker_nameThe user defined name for the tracker to which the click originated.
traffic_verification_fail_reasonThe reason traffic has been flagged as invalid based on Traffic Verification rules.
traffic_verifiedFlag for whether the click passes the user defined Traffic Verification rules.
qr_codeBoolean value indicating if the click was from a QR code or not.
waterfall_levelThe location within the attribution waterfall where the winning click/impression occurred.
click_attThe device ATT status (0 or 1).
click_att_detailATT status detail.

If ATT Status is 0 –
user was prompted and answered no
user was not prompted
user cannot be prompted due to global or app level setting
blank if manufactured or not prompted via Kochava SDK.

If ATT Status is 1 –
click_att_timeTimestamp at time of user response.
click_att_duration_secTime between prompting and receiving a response from the user.
type_url_forwardThe install campaign tracker type.
type_reengagementThe reengagement campaign tracker type.

* Indicates the foreign key for Click Tables JOIN.


Click Table Join Example:

/* Click Tables JOIN Example */
FROM clicks_primary c
    LEFT OUTER JOIN click_properties cp
        ON c.click_id = cp.click_id
            SELECT click_id,
            FROM click_identifiers
            WHERE identifier_type = 'idfa') AS ci
        ON c.click_id = ci.click_id
WHERE DATE(c.date_received) = '2016-09-20'





Table ColumnDescription
attribution_modelThe module (Kochava or SAN) in which attribution was determined.
campaign_nameThe user-defined name for the campaign to which the event was attributed.
click_reconciliation_idThe internal Kochava ID used to identify the attribution associated with a click.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the event was received.
*event_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the event is assigned.
imp_reconciliation_idAn internal Kochava ID used to identify the attribution associated with a impression.
lookback_secondsThe lookback window in seconds.
lookback_usedA flag to indicate whether a lookback window has been used.
**matched_to_idThe click_id or impression_id of the click/impression which won attribution.
matched_to_typeThe type of event which triggered the attribution (e.g. click, impression).
network_idThe Kochava-specific ID of the network from which the event was attributed.
network_nameThe name of the network from which the event was attributed.
tracker_guidThe Kochava-specific ID for the tracker from which the event was attributed.
tracker_nameThe user-defined name for the tracker to which the event was attributed.
waterfall_levelThe location within the attribution waterfall where the winning event occurred.

** Indicates the foreign key for Event Table JOIN.
** Indicates the foreign key for Click or Impression Tables JOIN.




Table ColumnDescription
adidRaw ADID received (Android specific).
android_idRaw Android_ID received (Android specific).
app_versionThe version of the app received on the install.
attribution_moduleThe module (Kochava or SAN) in which attribution was determined.
campaign_nameThe user-defined name for the campaign to which the install was attributed.
cityThe name of the city where the click originated based on IP lookup.
costThe user-defined cost per click.
cost_typeThe Cost per Click, Cost per Install, or Cost per Mille.
country_code2-digit country designation where the click originated, based on IP lookup.
creative_idThe network-supplied creative_id value received.
date_occurredThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the event occurred.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the event was received.
device_limit_trackingThe customer defined ability to receive ads. Value will be 0 or 1.
device_marketing_nameThe marketing name used to describe the device by the manufacturer (e.g. Galaxy S7).
device_modelThe model of the device that installed the app.
device_os_nameThe name of the operating system installed on the device.
device_os_versionThe version of the operating system installed on the device.
device_uaUser Agent of the device gathered upon click.
device_verThe device type and version of the device received on click.
*event_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the event is attributed.
event_nameThe name of the advertiser defined event.
event_valueThe value of the post-install event if a revenue value is being passed.
identifiersAn array of all device identifiers received.
identity_linkA customer defined unique identifier for linking devices.
idfaRaw IDFA received (iOS specific).
idfvRaw IDFV received (iOS specific).
**install_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the install is assigned.
ip_addressThe IP address from which the impression originated.
is_reengagementIndicates whether the event is part of a reengagement campaign.
kochava_device_idThe device ID assigned by Kochava.
latitudeThe latitude where the event originated based on IP lookup.

Latitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

longitudeThe longitude where the event originated based on IP lookup.

Longitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

lookback_secondsThe lookback window in seconds.
lookback_usedAn indicator of where the lookback window used was set (e.g. network, default).
match_objectA JSON object containing a variety of details about the attribution of the event.
matched_to_idThe click_id or impression_id of the click/impression which won attribution.
matched_to_typeThe type of event which triggered the attribution (e.g. click, impression).
network_idThe id of the network to which the install was attributed.
network_nameThe name of the network to which the install was attributed.
postal_codeThe postal code of the region where the click originated based on IP lookup.
propertiesA JSON object containing a variety of details about the install that may or may not be included in other columns.
regionAn alphanumeric code identifying the geographic region where the install originated based on IP lookup.
sdk_versionThe version of the Kochava SDK installed in the app at time of event.
segment_idThe segment ID assigned by Kochava.
site_idIdentifies the site to which the click was served within the publisher partner.
tracker_guidThe Kochava-specific ID for the tracker from which the click originated. This field is also referred to as the campaign ID within other parts of analytics and reporting.
tracker_nameThe user defined name for the tracker to which the click originated.
traffic_verification_fail_reasonThe reason traffic has been flagged as invalid based on Traffic Verification rules.
traffic_verifiedFlag for whether the click passes the user defined traffic verification rules.
valid_receiptFlag indicating where a valid receipt was received from the app store for the install.
waterfall_levelThe location within the attribution waterfall where the winning event occurred.
event_attThe device ATT status (0 or 1).
event_att_detailATT status detail.

If ATT Status is 0 –
user was prompted and answered no
user was not prompted
user cannot be prompted due to global or app level setting
blank if manufactured or not prompted via Kochava SDK.

If ATT Status is 1 –
event_att_timeTimestamp at time of user response.
event_att_duration_secTime between prompting and receiving a response from the user.
data_controlledControl the transmission of first party client data to 3rd party networks

* Indicates the foreign key for Event Tables JOIN.
** Indicates the foreign key for Install Table JOIN.


Event Table Join Example:

/* Event Tables JOIN Example */
FROM events_primary e
    LEFT OUTER JOIN event_attribution ea
        ON e.event_id = ea.event_id
WHERE DATE(e.date_occured) = '2016-09-20'

Identity Link




Table ColumnDescription
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the click was received.
*event_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the event is attributed.
identity_nameThe custom-defined parameter name of the identity link.
identity_valueThe custom parameter value associated with the identity_name.
**install_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the install is attributed.
kochava_device_idThe device ID assigned by Kochava.

* Indicates the foreign key for Event Tables JOIN.
** Indicates the foreign key for Install Tables JOIN.

Impressions Tables




Table ColumnDescription
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the impression was received.
identifier_valueThe value of the device identifier.
*impression_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the impression is attributed.

* Indicates the foreign key for Impression Tables JOIN.




Table ColumnDescription
app_nameThe user-defined name for the app from which the click originated.
appstore_idThe app-specific ID on the app store sites.
carrierThe wireless carrier used on the device where the click originated.
cost_typeThe Cost per Click, Cost per Install, or Cost per Mille.
country_code2-digit country designation where the click originated, based on IP lookup.
cp1 thru cp15User-defined custom parameters.


NOTE: Custom parameters available in the UI do not match the customer parameters available in Query. However, the click/UI parameters will map to the Query parameters with an offset of 1.


Click KeyKochava Query
creative_idThe network-supplied network_id value received.
creative_sizeThe dimensions of the served creative.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the impression was received.
dmaThe code for the designated marketing area where the click originated, based on IP lookup.
exchangeIf an ad exchange is utilized, the name of the exchange will be displayed.
imp_costThe Cost per Impression.
imp_typeThe type of impression that was servered.
*impression_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the impression is attributed.
original_requestThe query parameters and values received.
partner_impression_idThe unique ID generated by the partner for the impression.
referrerThe Google Referrer parameters passed.
site_idIdentifies the site to which the click was served within the publisher partner.

* Indicates the foreign key for Impression Tables JOIN.




Table ColumnDescription
campaign_nameThe user-defined name for the campaign to which the click was attributed.
cityThe name of the city where the impression originated based on IP lookup.
costThe user-defined cost per click.
cost_typeThe Cost per Click, Cost per Install, or Cost per Mille.
country_code2-digit country designation where the click originated, based on IP lookup.
creative_idThe network-supplied network_id value received.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the impression was received.
device_marketing_nameThe marketing name used to describe the device by the manufacturer (e.g. Galaxy S7).
device_modelThe model of the device that installed the app.
device_os_nameThe name of the operating system installed on the device.
device_os_versionThe version of the operating system installed on the device.
device_uaUser Agent of the device gathered upon click.
device_verThe device type and version of the device received on click.
identifiersAn array of all device identifiers received.
imp_typeThe type of impression that was servered.
*impression_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the impression is attributed.
ip_addressThe IP address from which the impression originated.
kochava_impression_idThe impression ID assigned by Kochava.
latitudeThe latitude where the click originated based on IP lookup.

Latitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

longitudeThe longitude where the click originated based on IP lookup.

Longitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

network_idThe Kochava-specific ID of the network from which the click originated.
network_nameThe name of the network from which the click originated.
original_requestThe query parameters and values received.
partner_impression_idThe impression ID assigned by the partner.
regionAn alphanumeric code identifying the geographic region where the impression originated, based on IP lookup.
segment_idThe segment ID assigned by Kochava.
site_idIdentifies the site to which the click was served within the publisher partner.
tracker_guidThe Kochava-specific ID for the tracker from which the click originated. This field is also referred to as the campaign ID within other parts of analytics and reporting.
tracker_idThe Kochava-specific ID of the tracker from which the impression originated.
tracker_nameThe user defined name for the tracker to which the install was attributed.
traffic_verification_fail_reasonThe reason traffic has been flagged as invalid based on Traffic Verification rules.
traffic_verifiedFlag for whether the click passes the user defined traffic verification rules.
impression_attThe device ATT status (0 or 1).
impression_att_detailATT status detail.

If ATT Status is 0 –
user was prompted and answered no
user was not prompted
user cannot be prompted due to global or app level setting
blank if manufactured or not prompted via Kochava SDK.

If ATT Status is 1 –
impression_att_timeTimestamp at time of user response.
impression_att_duration_secTime between prompting and receiving a response from the user.

* Indicates the foreign key for Impression Tables JOIN.


Impression Table Join Example:

/* Impression Tables JOIN Example */
FROM impressions_primary i
    LEFT OUTER JOIN impression_properties ip
        ON i.impression_id = ip.impression_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN impression_identifiers ii
        ON i.impression_id = ii.impression_id
WHERE DATE(i.date_received) = '2016-09-20'

Attribution Tables




Table ColumnDescription
attribution_moduleThe module (Kochava or SAN) in which attribution was determined.
campaign_nameThe user-defined name for the campaign to which the install was attributed.
click_reconciliation_idThe internal Kochava ID used to identify the attribution associated with a click.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the install was received.
imp_reconciliation_idAn internal Kochava ID used to identify the attribution associated with a impression.
*install_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the install is assigned.
lookback_secondsThe lookback window in seconds.
lookback_usedAn indicator of where the lookback window used was set (e.g. network, default).
**matched_to_idThe click_id or impression_id of the click/impression which won attribution.
matched_to_typeThe type of event which triggered the attribution (e.g. click, impression).
network_idThe Kochava-specific ID of the network to which the install was attributed.
network_nameThe name of the network to which the install was attributed.
tracker_guidThe Kochava-specific ID for the tracker to which the install was attributed.
tracker_nameThe user defined name for the tracker to which the install was attributed.
waterfall_levelThe location within the attribution waterfall where the winning click/impression occurred.

* Indicates the foreign key for Install Table JOIN.
** Indicates the foreign key for Click or Impression Tables JOIN.

Installs Tables




Table ColumnDescription
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the install was received
identifier_typeThe type of identifier received on the install.
identifier_valueA device identifier corresponding to the identifier_type of the row.
*install_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the install is attributed.

* Indicates the foreign key for Install Tables JOIN.




Table ColumnDescription
*click_id Identifier associated with the influencing click associated to the influenced install. A foreign key which can be used to join out to other tables within Kochava Query.
click_reconciliation_idThe internal Kochava ID used to identify the attribution associated with a click.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the install was received.
**imp_idIdentifier associated with the influencing impression associated to the influenced install. A foreign key which can be used to join out to other tables within Kochava Query.
imp_reconciliation_idThe internal Kochava ID used to identify the attribution associated with an impession.
***install_idThis is a foreign key of this table and is used to join out to other tables within Kochava Query.
rejectedThe reason the install was attributed to another Network (for example, another network was credited with last-click).
waterfall_levelThe location within the attribution waterfall where the winning click/impression occurred.

* Indicates the foreign key for the Click Tables JOIN.
** Indicates the foreign key for Impression Tables JOIN.
*** Indicates the foreign key for Install Tables JOIN.




Table ColumnDescription
adidRaw ADID received (Android specific).
android_idRaw Android_ID received (Android specific).
app_versionThe version of the app received on the install.
attribution_moduleThe module (Kochava or SAN) in which attribution was determined.
campaign_nameThe user-defined name for the campaign to which the install was attributed.
cityThe name of the city where the click originated based on IP lookup.
costThe user-defined cost per click.
cost_typeThe Cost per Click, Cost per Install, or Cost per Mille.
country_code2-digit country designation where the click originated, based on IP lookup.
creative_idThe network-supplied network_id value received.
date_occurredThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the install occurred.
date_receivedThe datetime (10-digit epoch timestamp) the install was received.
device_limit_trackingThe customer defined ability to receive ads. Value will be 0 or 1.
device_marketing_nameThe marketing name used to describe the device by the manufacturer (e.g. Galaxy S7).
device_modelThe model of the device that installed the app.
device_os_nameThe name of the operating system installed on the device.
device_os_versionThe version of the operating system installed on the device.
device_uaUser Agent of the device gathered upon click.
device_verThe device type and version of the device received on click.
duplicateThe click_id of the duplicate click. If the value is 0, there is no duplicate click.
identifiersAn array of all device identifiers received.
identity_linkA JSON object containing all custom-defined unique identifiers associated with the device that drove the install.
idfaRaw IDFA received (iOS specific).
idfvRaw IDFV received (iOS specific).
*install_idThe internally generated unique ID to which the install is assigned.
ip_addressThe IP address from which the impression originated.
kochava_device_idThe device ID assigned by Kochava.
latitudeThe latitude where the event originated based on IP lookup.

Latitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

longitudeThe longitude where the event originated based on IP lookup.

Longitude values are populated based on a 3rd party IP lookup service and are associated with a general city center location.

match_objectA JSON object containing a variety of details about the attribution of the install.
matched_to_idThe click_id or impression_id of the click/impression which won attribution.
matched_to_typeThe type of event which triggered the attribution (e.g. click, impression).
network_idThe Kochava-specific ID of the network to which the install was attributed.
network_nameThe name of the network to which the install was attributed.
postal_codeThe postal code of the region where the click originated based on IP lookup.
propertiesA JSON object containing a variety of details about the install that may or may not be included in other columns.
regionAn alphanumeric code identifying the geographic region where the install originated based on IP lookup.
sdk_versionThe version of the Kochava SDK installed in the app at time of event.
segment_idThe segment ID assigned by Kochava.
site_idIdentifies the site to which the click was served within the publisher partner.
tracker_guidThe Kochava-specific ID for the tracker from which the click originated. This field is also referred to as the campaign ID within other parts of analytics and reporting.
tracker_nameThe user defined name for the tracker to which the click originated.
traffic_verification_fail_reasonThe reason traffic has been flagged as invalid based on Traffic Verification rules.
traffic_verifiedFlag for whether the click passes the user defined traffic verification rules.
valid_receiptFlag indicating where a valid receipt was received from the app store for the install.
waterfall_levelThe location within the attribution waterfall where the winning click/impression occurred.
install_attThe device ATT status (0 or 1).
install_att_detailATT status detail.

If ATT Status is 0 –
user was prompted and answered no
user was not prompted
user cannot be prompted due to global or app level setting
blank if manufactured or not prompted via Kochava SDK.

If ATT Status is 1 –
install_att_timeTimestamp at time of user response.
install_att_duration_secTime between prompting and receiving a response from the user.
data_controlledControl the transmission of first party client data to 3rd party networks

* Indicates the foreign key for Install Tables JOIN.


Install Table Join Example:

/* Install Tables JOIN Example */
FROM installs_primary i
    LEFT OUTER JOIN install_attribution ia
        ON i.install_id = ia.install_id
            SELECT install_id,
            FROM install_identifiers
            WHERE identifier_type = 'idfa') AS ii
        ON i.install_id = ii.install_id
WHERE DATE(i.date_occurred) = '2016-09-20'

Ad Revenue Tables



Table ColumnSourceData TypeDescriptionValue
idKochavaintegerKochava System generated unique ID.1
job_idKochavastringKochava System generated Job ID for that daily run.03c50e60-8c0d-4ada-99ea-5b4cbc7aaf6c
date_dttmKochavatimestampYYYY-MM-DD (UTC Timezone) The time the job requested the data from the network.1584887527
days_afterKochavaint64How many days after the date of the data the request was made.2
network_idKochavaint64Kochava’s ID for the network.250
network_campaign_idNetworkstringThe campaign ID within the network.
network_campaign_name***NetworkstringThe campaign name within the network.facebook
network_ad_idNetworkint64The ID of the Ad within the network0
group_name**NetworkstringThe group name within the network
group_idNetworkstringThe group ID within the network.
placementNetworkstringThe placement of the Ad.Default interstitial
ad_sizeNetworkstringThe size of the Ad250×300
nameNetworkstringThe name of the Ad within the network.
type*NetworkstringThe ad unit from which the revenue was generate from.interstitial
start_dttmKochavatimestampYYYY-MM-DD (UTC Timezone)
The start date of the date range used the data request to the network.
end_dttmKochavatimestampYYYY-MM-DD (UTC Timezone)
The end date of the date range used the data request to the network.
urlNetworkstringThe URL of the Ad.
imageNetworkstringThe URL of the image used in the Ad.
targetNetworkstringThe target data for the Ad
keywordsNetworkstringThe keyword data for the Ad.
genderNetworkstringThe gender of the users being targeted by the Ad.
device_typeNetworkstringTypically the platform, model, or device_id_type of the device
countryNetworkstringThe country code.
revenue_ecpmcalculated fieldfloat34Revenue Estimate Cost Per Mille (revenue * 1000)/impressions.21.08
timezoneKocahva or
stringThe UTC hour offset set on the saved credentials used to determine the date range for the data request to the network or the timezone associated with the Ad in the network.
device_idNetworkstringThe unique ID of the user’s device.4ecf488e-32c7-424d-8071-3597d85b2de7
device_id_typeNetworkstringThe unique ID type of the user’s device.idfa
user_idNetworkstringThe user ID being set by the developer.eef36aa6-2a86-4fca-8634-2c207d5
revenueNetworkfloat64The Revenue generated by the user (USD).
impressionsNetworkint64The number of ads displayed to the user
idfaNetworkstringRaw IDFA served an impression (iOS specific).
idfvNetworkstringRaw IDFV served an impression(iOS specific).
adidNetworkstringRaw ADID served an impression (Android specific).For ironsource GAID will be mapped to ADID
android_idNetworkstringRaw Android_ID served an impression (Android specific).

*Maps to ironSource (Ad Unit)
**Maps to ironSource (Segment)
***Maps to ironSource (Ad Network)

SKAdNetwork Conversion Table




Table ColumnDescriptionData Type
countNumber of SKAdNetwork postbacks. If did-win=true, then number of SKAdNetwork attributed installs (winning partner ad signal only), if did-win=false, then number of SKAdNetwork influencer ad signals.integer
k_conversion_model_nameThe name of the conversion model chosen on the SKAdNetwork Settings page in Kochava.string
k_conversion_model_triggered_by_eventTrue if the user triggered a model-detectable action, otherwise false. Examples of false are: $0 revenue generated in revenue model, none of the selected target events triggered for highest value event, user journey, or engagement models.boolean
k_conversion_value_days_since_installThe number of days between the day the install occurred and when the first SKAdNetwork timer expired.integer
k_conversion_value_descriptionThe meaning of the conversion value based on the conversion model used; reflects the user’s activity in the app after install. — Highest Value Event: single event name — User Journey: list of comma separated event names — Revenue: range of revenue in USD — Engagement: number of times the target event occurred and the target event name.string
k_conversion_value_measurement_windowThe length of time the user’s activity was observed (in days). Values can be: Undefined, Install Only, D0, D0-1, D0-2, D0-3, D0-4, D0-5, D0-6, D0-7 D0 = within 24 hrs of install.string
k_in_timestampThe time at which Kochava ingests the row (not the SKAd timestamp).timestamp
k_network_idThe numeric ID of the integrated media partner in Kochava.integer
k_network_nameThe name of the integrated media partner in Kochava.string
k_skad_campaign_guidThe Kochava-generated guid representing our determined separation of SKAdNetwork Campaigns.string
partner_campaign_start_dateThe date Kochava received the first click from the SKAdNetwork Campaign.timestamp
partner_slotsPopulated from campaign-related parameters that the media partner enriches the SKAdNetwork data with before providing Kochava. See Kochava SKAdNetwork Partner Certification support documentation for list of supported campaign enrichment field.string
skad_ad_network_idThe ID assigned to the media partner by Apple when integrating with SKAdNetwork.string
skad_app_idThe App Store App ID of the target app.integer
skad_attribution_signatureThis is used to validate the payload.bytes
skad_campaign_idThe numeric ID of the campaign reported to SKAdNetwork on the loadproduct call. Integer between 1 and 100.integer
skad_conversion_value**The value will represent the highest conversion value triggered by the user at the time of the first SKAdNetwork timer’s expiration.integer
skad_date_received_utcDate the network partner received the conversion from SKAdNetwork.timestamp
skad_hostpostback_forward when the media partner forwards each individual SKAdNetwork postback to Kochava. [media_partner_name]_api when the SKAdNetwork data is retrieved from the media partner’s API by Kochava.string
skad_ipThe skad_ip value provided to Kochava by the media partner when forwarding SKAdNetwork data. Represents the IP of the original postback received from SKAdNetwork. If skad_ip not provided by the media partner, then the IP of the request sent to Kochava is used to populate this field.string
skad_redownloadSKAdNetwork-reported installs that were flagged as redownload by SKAdNetwork.boolean
skad_source_app_id**The App Store App ID of the app where the ad was served.integer
skad_transaction_idUnique transaction ID for deduplication.string
skad_useragentUseragent Kochava received from the request.string
skad_versionThe SKAdNetwork version.string
k_conversion_value_revenue_min_boundUpper limit of revenue range generated by the user (bound). Only applicable to revenue models.integer
k_conversion_value_revenue_max_boundUpper limit of revenue range generated by the user (bound). Only applicable to revenue models.integer
k_conversion_value_revenue_min_inclusiveLower limit of revenue range generated by the user (inclusive). Only applicable to revenue models.integer
k_conversion_value_revenue_max_inclusiveUpper limit of revenue range generated by the user (inclusive). Only applicable to revenue models.integer
k_conversion_value_engagement_countNumber of times the user triggered the selected engagement event. Only applicable to engagement models.integer
k_conversion_value_eventsList of model-detectable events triggered by the user. Event name is the name of the event as labeled in Kochava.string
k_conversion_value_partner_eventsList of model-detectable events triggered by the user. Event name is the name of the event as labeled in the partner’s sytem, based on mapping defined in partner postback configuration.string
k_sourceIndicates the method used to provide SKAdNetwork data to Kochava. postback_json when the SKAdNetwork data is forwarded via individual postbacks for each SKAdNetwork attributed install. [media_partner_name]_api when Kochava retrieves the SKAdNetwork data from the media partner’s API.string
skad_fidelity_typeDifferentiates StoreKit-rendered ads from view-through ads. 1 indicates StoreKit-rendered ads and is supported on iOS 11.3 and later, 0 indicates view-through ads and is supported on iOS 14.5 and later. View-through ads are supported with SKAdNetwork version 2.2 and later.integer
skad_countryThe country derived from the skad_ip provided on the SKAdNetwork postback provided by the media partner. skad_ip represents to IP address in the header of the original request of the postback sent from SKAdNetwork to the media partner. Apple has communicated that this IP address will no longer represent the device’s IP address.string
skad_did_winDifferentiates SKAdNetwork postbacks for the winning ad (did-win=true), vs ads that qualified, but did not win (did-win=false). Postbacks for did-win=false are supported with SKAdNetwork version 3.0+ on devices running iOS 14.6+.boolean
skad_source_identifierKnown as the “campaign ID” in previous SKAdNetwork versions, this value relates to the placement detail of the ad-network served inventory.string
skad_coarse_conversion_valueA coarse grained value is a type of hierarchical conversion value and can be low, medium, or high.string
skad_postback_sequence_indexIn SKAdNetwork v4, a total of (3) user activities can be attributed by SKAdNetwork and this value indicates which of the 3 conversion windows that conversion occurred in.integer
skad_source_domainFor web ads, the postback may include a source-domain instead of a source-app-id, indicating the conversion resulted from a mobile web ad unit.string

**Subject to Apple’s “privacy threshold”.


Last Modified: Dec 31, 2024 at 9:43 am