Create/Edit Apps

Feature Summary: The following document defines the process for creating an app within Kochava. Creating an app will need to be completed before integrating with Kochava.


NOTE: If you are using our pixel tracking option to track something other than an app on a landing page (such as registrations, searches, or offer accepts), you can create an “app” that is your landing page. The process is the same.

NOTE: The following procedures are for all app platforms. Where differences exist between platforms, specific instructions have been provided.

Required Settings

  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. Select Apps & Assets > All Apps.


  1. Click Add an App.
  2. Enter the App Name.

    BEST PRACTICES: Kochava recommends the following naming convention (App Name-Platform-AccountName) in order easily locate specific apps. The use of dashed, dots or hyphens is acceptable to use to separate the different parts of the app name.


    WARNING: The app names within an account MUST be unique. If apps do not have unique names, issues will occur within analytics.


  4. Select a Platform:
    • Android
    • Android Instant App
    • Android TV
    • Chromecast
    • Daydream
    • Fire OS
    • HTC Vive
    • iOS
    • iOS App Clip
    • LGWebOS
    • Linux
    • macOS
    • Nintendo Switch
    • Nintendo WiiU
    • Oculus GO
    • Oculus Rift
    • Playstation
    • Roku
    • Samsung Gear VR
    • Tizen OS
    • tvOS
    • Vizio Smartcast OS
    • Web
    • WebGL
    • Windows
    • Windows Xbox
  5. Select an Integration:
    • SDK: Adobe Air
    • SDK: Cordova (PhoneGap)
    • SDK: Cordova
    • SDK: Flutter
    • SDK: Native Android
    • SDK: Native iOS
    • SDK: ReactNative
    • SDK: Unity
    • SDK: Xamarin
    • Server to Server

    Required Settings


  7. If no additional settings need to be modified, Click Save.
  8. If additional settings need to be modified, proceed to the Optional Settings section of this document.

Optional Settings

  1. Select Is Your App Live On An App Store?:
    • Yes (App is live on an app store)
    • No (App is not live on an app store)
  2. Enter the App Store URL. (optional)
  3. NOTE: The App Store URL is the location from which the app can be downloaded (Google Play, Google Market  or iTunes Store URL) if available. Once entered, the App Store URL will become the Default Destination URL for click tracking links.


    BEST PRACTICES: For Android apps, it is more efficient to set your App Store URL to Google Market.  For more information, refer to the Google Linking to Your Product support documentation.


    NOTE: For apps targeting the Samsung marketplace, please use the following DeepLink convention for App Store URL. Example: samsungapps://ProductPage/ProdoctDetail

  4. Enter the App Store ID. (optional)
  5. Enter the app SKU. (optional)
  6. Select Utilize Google Install Referrer Begin Time: (Android only)
    • Yes
    • No
  7. Select if the app is a Child-Directed App:
    • Yes
    • No

    Important Note: App is directed to children. By indicating ‘Yes’, Kochava will remove all Identifiers from all third-party postbacks.
    Kochava ensures through our dashboard and our review process to protect personally identifiable information for any app directed to children or contain children directed content. We implemented safeguards to ensure that these designated apps should not transmit personally identifiable information to third parties via postbacks.
    To review Apps store guidelines we have provided the following links:



    Optional Settings

Report Delivery Method

Custom S3 Bucket provides the ability to send all reports run for this app to be sent to a customer S3 bucket.

  1. Select Default Delivery Method (Optional)
  2. Enter the Bucket Name.
  3. Enter the Bucket Region.
  4. Enter the AWS Access Key.
  5. Enter the AWS Secret Key.


Custom S3 Bucket Settings

SFTP provides the ability to set up SFTP credentials to deliver reports within this app.

  1. Select Default Delivery Method (Optional)
  2. Enter your SFTP Server IP Address or Host Name.
  3. Enter the Port.
  4. NOTE: The default port is set to 22, but the port may be set to whatever is desired on the SFTP server.

  5. Enter the Username.


SFTP Settings


SFTP Key —

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC2x9oNXPkYxXA9pWolBqJ+50TzNIQjDdRLbER4+9ISi+VJdUzqCc1SybRbcvzULi/PZo0++yaB/gaJo/wcyWHhR7qO8msonV119KCl8BtD1FsbYUYCw5aztEQm8xmRh1ef44epCnpy/8E85R+uY+YyjgZrmt3PqOwJ/rAksp2Q4QBSn0Jr1eFuDPlIcBiBfNyFJp7/NruyujqmPmb0H5n+N2KcN9sEQSscdbT0B6W5m8wbrOZnpXXLCrrvtZTQlV2o28FDGVVw13ZYb/fPbfYgjdOraPD6SkiiRY68w/L1dZd18QvN8nASm/5hCWrBS81wHbulywo/9ArLlKAVwIwt devadmin@reporting-02


SFTP Originating IP Addresses —


Intelligent Consent Management (ICM)

Intelligent Consent Management is Kochava’s tool to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted by the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

For more information on GDPR, refer to the EU General Data Protection Regulation overview documentation.

For more information on CCPA, refer to the IAB’s U.S. Privacy String specification.

  1. Select level of Consent Management:
    • Off – Set as default, there will be no request for consent from any user no matter the location.
    • Present in EU Only – A request for consent will be made for any user within the EU, if consent is not given data will not be processed.
    • Present Globally – A request for consent will be made for any user regardless of location, if consent is not given data will not be processed.
  2. Enter the Reprompt Interval (For Opted Out Users) number of days.

    NOTE: Users who have opted out of GDPR may be sent reprompts at a specific interval. The Reprompt Interval by default is set to 30 days.

  3. Enter the Prompt Version.

    NOTE: The Prompt Version enables the internal tracking of when and why prompts were sent to users. Descriptive prompts will enable the quick location of information. For more information on GDPR prompts, contact your Client Success Management team.


    ICM GDPR Settings
    A. Select when prompts will be sent to users.
    B. Click the provided link to view GDPR regulations.
    C. After an app has been created, click the link to view partners that postbacks are being sent to for the associated app.

  1. Select the Jurisdiction:
    • Off – Set as default, there will be no request for consent from any user no matter the location.
    • California – A request for consent will be made for any user within California, the US privacy consent string will reflect whether the user has opted out.
    • All States – A request for consent will be made for any user regardless of location within the United States, the US privacy consent string will reflect whether the user has opted out.
  2. Enter the Package ID:

    WARNING: Once the Package ID has been entered, it cannot be updated. Before saving, ensure that the information is correct.

    NOTE: Google Play Package Name (e.g. or Apple Bundle (e.g.

  4. Select the LSPA (Limited Service Provider Agreement):
    • No — Set as default, a flag will be added to the privacy string indicating that the user declined to opt out.
    • Yes — A flag will be added to the privacy string indicating that the user opted out.


Privacy Policy:

The link text will be displayed to the user and the link will be the location the user will be navigated to when clicked.

  1. Enter the Link Text.
  2. Enter the Link URL.

Data Access:

The link text will be displayed to the user and the link will be the location the user will be navigated to when clicked.

  1. Enter the Link Text.
  2. Enter the Link URL.

Data Deletion

The link text will be displayed to the user and the link will be the location the user will be navigated to when clicked.

  1. Enter the Link Text.
  2. Enter the Link URL.


ICM CCPA Settings
A. Select whether a request for consent will be sent only in California, all of the United States or not at all.
B. LSPA settings.
C. Preview the message that the user will view.



  1. Adjust Group Permissions. (optional)
  2. NOTE: Turning a group OFF will not allow that specific group access to this app, while turning a group ON will allow that group access.


    Group Settings

Advanced Settings


  1. Enable Traffic Processing. (optional)
  2. NOTE: By default Traffic Processing is disabled.

  3. Enable iBeacons. (optional)
  4. NOTE: By default iBeacons is disabled. For more information about iBeacons, contact your Client Success Managers.



  1. Select the Transaction Time:
    • Device
    • Kochava
  2. NOTE: By default the Transaction Time is set to Device which sends the time of install based on the device’s time. When Kochava is selected, if the device does not have internet access at the time of first launch, the time of attribution will be logged at the time Kochava receives the install attribution data. On S2S installs if Kochava is selected the attribution time will always be logged at time of receipt.

  3. Enable Overwrite Origination IP. (optional)
  4. NOTE: By default Overwrite Origination IP is disabled. When enabled, the IP provided with origination_ip will be overwritten with the IP sent with the request. This setting should remain disabled unless specifically instructed by your Client Success Managers.

  5. Enable Use Short Version. (optional)
  6. NOTE: By default Use Short Version is disabled. When enabled the app version is reported as CF BundleShortVersionString instead of CF BundleVersion for iOS, and versionName instead of versionCode for Android.

  7. Enable Seasonal App. (optional)
  8. NOTE: By default Seasonal App is disabled. This feature is supported on Android 3.7.2 and iOS 3.15.0 SDK versions and higher. When enabled the SDK will send a new install if the App GUID changes from a previous install, or if the app updates from a previously unsupported SDK version to a supported SDK version. If not enabled, the SDK will not send a new install if the App GUID is changed in code, which may result in orphaned post install events for devices which sent an install under the previous App GUID.

  9. Enable Truncate IPs. (optional)
  10. NOTE: By default IP Truncation is disabled. If this feature is enabled we will still perform attribution using the IP address from the device. However, the IP address provided by the app traffic will not be written into app or account tables. The IP address from the ad signal will still be written.



  1. Enable Currency Normalization.
  2. NOTE: By default Currency Normalization is enabled. When this option is enabled, Kochava will dynamically convert all inbound purchase events with a non-US currency to a US Dollar currency.


    Advanced Settings


SDK Device Identifier Gathering:

This section provides access to determine whether specific types of device IDs are gathered or not. The following device IDs may be selected for collection:

  • MAC
  • ODIN
  • Open UDID
  • Facebook Attribution ID
  • Android ID
  • ADID
  • IMEI
  • ADID + Others
  • IDFV
  • SSID
  • Affinity Group
  • Email Address (OFF by default)
  • Send Identifier Updates (OFF by default)

NOTE: Send Identifier Updates when enabled notifies Kochava when a device ID has been updated and provides the new device ID for the associated device. Before toggling this setting to ON, contact your Client Success Managers for further details.

NOTE: When ‘ADID + Others’ is toggled on ADID and all other identifiers will be gathered if ADID is present. If ‘ADID + Others’ is toggled off no other identifiers will be gathered if ADID is present(unless toggled on individually).


ID Gathering Settings


SDK AppTrackingTransparency (ATT):

This section provides access to determine the settings associated with AppTrackingTransparency (ATT). The settings allows for the override of the ATT configuration provided in code to the SDK, which determines whether the Kochava SDK may trigger an ATT authorization prompt. Minimum Kochava SDK version with ATT framework support is required. In addition, a NSUserTrackingUsageDescription info.plist entry is required by Apple in order to prompt a user for ATT, and for this setting to take effect.

NOTE: This feature is only available for iOS apps and will not appear for other platforms.

One of the following settings may be selected:

  • Default to SDK settings
  • Disable for all users
  • Enable for 14.0 and greater OS versions only


ATT Settings


Last Modified: May 24, 2024 at 7:20 am