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Premium Publisher API Postback Triggers

As a Premium Publisher API user, you can manage your Kochava apps, campaigns, segments, trackers, and postback triggers without ever logging into the Kochava UI. This powerful API offers the same functionality as the UI and is designed to be used in lieu of the Kochava UI.

NOTE: The Premium Publisher API documentation refers to the trigger for a postback as opposed to the postback, itself. The postback is the payload of data sent, the trigger is the event which causes a postback to be fired.

NOTE: The Premium Publisher API and the Kochava Dashboard function independently.

Creating Triggers

  1. Use the Get Template call to retrieve valid postback templates for your app.

    Returns a list of Postback Templates that are available for the given appId.





  • curl -D- -X GET -H "Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED" \
  • GET /apps/17/postbacks/templates HTTP/1.1
    Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED



Authentication-KeyStringYour Publisher api key.


Success 200:

dataObject[]A list of Template objects.
successBooleanIndicates if the request was successful.
errorsString[]A list of errors that occurred while processing the request.
messagesString[]A list of information messages about the request.
warningsString[]A list of warnings that occurred while processing the request.
nextTokenStringA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results, null if not applicable to the request.
previousTokenStringA token that is used to retrieve the previous page of results, null if not applicable to the request.
metaObjectCurrently not used.


Sample Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "name":"App ID",
                          "description":"Provided by mmDSP"
                           "name":"Fingerprint Lookback",
                           "description":"The lookback window for fingerprint reconciliation."
                                {"value":1,"label":"1 day"},
                                {"value":2,"label":"2 days"},
                           "description": "Automatically delay postback delivery for this time duration",
                           "name":"Delivery Delay"
                                {"value":0,"label":"Realtime Delivery"},
                                {"value":30000,"label":"30 Second Delay"},
                           "id": "deferred_for"
                           "description": "Max times to attempt redelivery in event of posting failure",
                           "name":"Retry Attempts"
                                {"value":0,"label":"Do Not Retry"},
                                {"value":1,"label":"1 Attempt"},
                           "id": "max_delivery_attempts"


HTTP Status Codes:

401The Authentication Key sent with the request is invalid.
403The Authentication Key is not authorized to access the requested resource.


  1. Create the Trigger.

    Creates a new Postback Trigger for the app in the request body.





NOTE: The Trigger is the event which causes a postback to be fired.


  • curl -D- -X POST -H "Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"context":{"cpi_openxperformance_fingerprint_lookback_window":"14", \
    "cpi_openxperformance_device_id_lookback_window":"25"},"type":"event","app_id":17,"title": \
    "OpenX Performance","template_id":2602,"filter_str":"event_name"}' \
  • POST /campaigns HTTP/1.1
    Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED
    Content-Type: application/json
        "title":"OpenX Performance",



Authentication-KeyStringYour Publisher api key.


Success 200:

dataObject[]A list with a single Trigger object.
successBooleanIndicates if the request was successful.
errorsString[]A list of errors that occurred while processing the request.
messagesString[]A list of information messages about the request.
warningsString[]A list of warnings that occurred while processing the request.
nextTokenStringA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results, null if not applicable to the request.
previousTokenStringA token that is used to retrieve the previous page of results, null if not applicable to the request.
metaObjectCurrently not used.


Sample Response:

HTTP/1.1 201 OK
            "title":"OpenX Performance",
            "filter_str": "Purchase".


HTTP Status Codes:

401The Authentication Key sent with the request is invalid.
400The request data has malformed syntax. The request should not be repeated without modifications. A common cause of this is invalid JSON in the request body.
500An unexpected server side condition occurred that prevented the request from being fulfilled. This issue is on us so you should try your request again shortly to see if the problem has been resolved.


  1. Use the Get Trigger method to verify the Trigger.

    Returns a single Postback Trigger with the given id.





  • curl -D- -X GET -H "Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED" \
  • GET /apps/17/postbacks/54636 HTTP/1.1
    Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED



Authentication-KeyStringYour Publisher api key.


Success 200:

dataObject[]A list with a Trigger object.
successBooleanIndicates if the request was successful.
errorsString[]A list of errors that occurred while processing the request.
messagesString[]A list of information messages about the request.
warningsString[]A list of warnings that occurred while processing the request.
nextTokenStringA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results, null if not applicable to the request.
previousTokenStringA token that is used to retrieve the previous page of results, null if not applicable to the request.
metaObjectCurrently not used.


Sample Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            "title":"OpenX Performance",


HTTP Status Codes:

401The Authentication Key sent with the request is invalid.
403The Authentication Key is not authorized to access the requested resource.
404The requested resource/entity was not found.

Updating Triggers

  1. Use the Get Pending Setup call to retrieve any incomplete Triggers.

    Returns a list of Postback Templates that need to be setup for the given appId.





  • curl -D- -X GET -H "Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED" \
  • GET /apps/17/postbacks/incomplete HTTP/1.1
    Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED



Authentication-KeyStringYour Publisher api key.


Success 200:

dataObject[]A list with Postback Template objects.
successBooleanIndicates if the request was successful.
errorsString[]A list of errors that occurred while processing the request.
messagesString[]A list of information messages about the request.
warningsString[]A list of warnings that occurred while processing the request.
nextTokenStringA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results, null if not applicable to the request.
previousTokenStringA token that is used to retrieve the previous page of results, null if not applicable to the request.
metaObjectCurrently not used.


Sample Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                          "name":"App ID",
                          "description":"Provided by mmDSP"
                           "name":"Fingerprint Lookback",
                           "description":"The lookback window for fingerprint reconciliation."
                           "options":[{"value":1,"label":"1 day"},{"value":2,"label":"2 days"}]


HTTP Status Codes:

401The Authentication Key sent with the request is invalid.
403The Authentication Key is not authorized to access the requested resource.


  1. Using the list of incomplete Triggers, update as needed.
  2. NOTE: The Trigger is the event which causes a postback to be fired.

  3. Use the Get Trigger method to verify the Trigger.

Deleting Triggers

Deletes a Postback Trigger with the given ID.





  • curl -D- -X DELETE -H "Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED" \
  • DELETE /postbacks/54636 HTTP/1.1
    Authentication-Key: F5BC0519-8415-4720-925F-35EBCCFAB2ED



Authentication-KeyStringYour Publisher API key.


Sample Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


HTTP Status Codes:

401The Authentication Key sent with the request is invalid.
404The requested resource/entity was not found.
400The request data has malformed syntax. The request should not be repeated without modifications. A common cause of this is invalid JSON in the request body.
500An unexpected server side condition occurred that prevented the request from being fulfilled. This issue is on us so you should try your request again shortly to see if the problem has been resolved.


Last Modified: Jan 27, 2025 at 3:02 pm