Support Home > Integrations > Store Credentials

Store Credentials

Feature Summary: The following document defines the process for entering store credentials for the Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Stripe. Additional instructions are provided for locating/creating the needed store credentials which are required to be entered within the Kochava user interface.


Credentials Interface

  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. Select Integrations > Store Credentials.

  • Entering App Store Credentials

    1. Enter the Bundle ID.
    2. NOTE: For more information on locating the Apple Bundle ID, refer to our Locating the Apple Bundle ID support document.

    3. Enter the App Store Connect APP-SPECIFIC SHARED SECRET.
      1. Log in to App Store Connect.
      2. Select My Apps.
      3. Click on the desired app.
      4. Select In-App Purchases > Manage.
      5. Select App-Specific Shared Secret.
      6. Generate and Copy the Shared Secret.

        App Store App Secret



    4. Click Save.

      Apple App Store Credentials


  • Entering Google Play Credentials

    1. Enter the Package Name.
    2. NOTE: The Package Name is part of the URL of the app on the Google Play Store. For example: the apps package name is

    3. Enter the Service Account Credentials (JSON).
    4. In order for Kochava to communicate with Google on your behalf, service credentials need to be provided. The following directions provide the steps for creating a Service Account Credential with the Google Developer Project and inserting those credentials within Kochava. The process for creating Google Play Store Credentials is a three part process. First a link needs to be created between a Google Play Developer Account and a Google Developer Project. The second part is creating a Service Account, and the third part grants financial access to Kochava. Each part of the process is described below:

      Linking a Google Developer Account —

      1. Log in to the Google Play Developer Account.
      2. Click on Settings > Developer account > API access.

        Play Store API


      4. Click Choose a project to link.
      5. Click I agree for the Terms of Service.


      Create a Service Account —

      1. Click Service accounts > Create new service account.

        Create New Service Account


      3. Click the link to Go to the Google Cloud Platform.
      4. Click Service accounts > + CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT.

        Create Service Account


      6. Enter a Service account name.
      7. Enter a Service account description.
      8. Click CREATE.

        Service Account Settings


      10. Under Grant this service account access to project Set the Role to Pub/Sub Admin.
      11. Click Done.

        Account Role Settings


      13. Locate the Service Account and Click Actions Tools () > Create key.

        Create Key


      15. Select Key Type > JSON.
      16. Click CREATE.

        Create Key Confirmation


        An Private Key will be downloaded to your computer. This JSON key is what will need to be entered in the Kochava UI.


      Grant Financial Access to Kochava —

      1. Locate the newly created Service account and Click Grant access.

        Grant Access


      3. Check the following permissions:
        • View app information and download bulk reports (read-only).
        • View financial data, orders, and cancellation survey responses.
        • Manage orders and subscriptions.




      4. Click Invite Userand send the invite.
      5. At this point you will be redirected to the Users and Permissions page where the newly created service account

      6. Click App permissions > Add app and add the desired app.

        Add App


      8. Click Apply.
      9. The App Permissions will be displayed, no additional setting need to be selected.

      10. Click Apply.


    5. Click Save.

      Google Play Store Credentials


  • Entering Stripe Credentials

    1. Enter the Website Domain.
    2. Enter the Stripe API Key Token.
      1. Log in to Stripe.
      2. Click Developers > API keys.
      3. Click Reveal test key.
      4. Click on the Secret key
      5. When the Secret key is clicked, it will be copied.


        Stripe Secret Key Copied



    3. Click Save.

      Stripe Store Credentials



Last Modified: Jan 16, 2025 at 8:57 am