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Vizio Over the Top SDK Integration

Apps on Vizio Smart TVs run in a Chromium browser. To integrate our Web SDK into your Vizio app, simply choose your desired web-based integration from our Web SDK integration page.

Please notify your Client Success Manager if you encounter any difficulties or questions specific to your target device or platform which are not covered in the documentation.

Gathering the VIDA

NOTE: This process requires v3.0.0 or higher of the Web SDK.

You may optionally gather and transmit the Vizio platform identifier for advertisers (VIDA) through the SDK for purposes of measurement and attribution. Follow the steps below to accomplish this; if you are unsure as to whether this is a requirement, please contact your Client Success Manager.

  1. Sleep the SDK prior to start to ensure that no measurement signal is transmitted until the VIDA has been gathered. While sleeping, the SDK will queue, but not transmit any measurement signal.
  2. Example:



  3. Provide a callback method to Vizio’s setAdvertiserIDListener method. The callback should register the VIDA as a custom device identifier, then wake the SDK. Vizio’s AdvertiserIDListener will invoke the callback whenever the Advertiser ID is modified, keeping the value up-to-date without any additional code.
  4. Example:

    window.VIZIO.setAdvertiserIDListener( function(AdvertiserID) {
    	kochava.registerCustomDeviceIdentifier('vida', AdvertiserID.IFA);


More information about Vizio’s identifier API can be found here.


Last Modified: Dec 19, 2024 at 2:50 pm