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Integrating Links with an Email Service Provider

This document provides a description of the requirements for integration Kochava Universal/App Links with an Email Service Provider (ESP).


IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to utilize this feature, the Kochava SDK must be integrated. Also there are minimum version of SDK required, dependent on platform, refer to the Using the SDK documentation for further details.

  1. Configure Kochava Universal/App Links as described within our support documentation.
  2. Create a custom white labeled domain for click tracking with their ESP.
  3. Configure the domain to point to a Proxy/CDN such as Cloudfront or NGINX.
  4. Configure the Proxy/CDN to host App Association files for Universal/App Link verification.
  5. Set the App Association files being used for your white-labeled ESP domains to align with the Kochava Universal / App Link files used during step 1 set-up
  6. Configure the Android and iOS apps with the white labeled domain through intent-filters or Associated Domains.
  7. Register the white labeled domain as a deeplink wrapper domain within the Kochava SDK. Details seen in the Enhanced Deeplinking topic.


NOTE: If integrating with Sendgrid refer to Sendgrid’s support documentation.


Last Modified: May 31, 2024 at 3:19 pm