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Post-Install Event Examples

Kochava standard post-install events have a finite list of event names and event keys. You can instrument your post-install events using one of the event names, and as many of the event keys (per event) as you would like. The information on this page has been organized by app type with the Kochava suggested post-install events.


BEST PRACTICES: Custom events can be sent to Kochava based upon the specific needs of each individual app. When instrumenting a custom or S2S event, be sure to set the values to the Raw Key names listed in the tables below when possible, while event names should directly match these standard event types.

CAUTION: The following meta data keys cannot be used as they are reserved by the Kochava system:

  • network
  • source
  • fb_campaign
  • campaign
  • site
  • creative
  • attribution_type
  • integration_type
  • integration_version
  • cracked
  • jailbroken


Standard Events:

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique player identifier.user_idstring
NameName or description of the tutorial completed.namestring
DurationElapsed time to complete the tutorial, in seconds.durationnumber

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique player identifier.user_idstring
NameA name, number or description of the level completed.namestring
DurationElapsed time to complete the level, in seconds.durationnumber

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName(s) of items purchased.namestring
Content IDIdentifier(s) of the items purchased.content_idstring
PriceThe total revenue from this purchase.sum

CurrencyThe currency used.currencystring
Checkout as GuestAny data related to guest checkout status.checkout_as_gueststring

NOTE: The Ad View event type is intended for True LTV use. A typical Ad View often consists only of Ad Type, Ad Network Name and Ad Placement, while other values should be populated if known.

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Ad TypeThe type or identifier of the ad unit.ad_typestring
Ad Network NameThe ad network name.ad_network_namestring
Ad PlacementThe location or placement of the ad unit.placementstring
Ad Mediation NameThe name of the mediation provider.ad_mediation_namestring
Ad Campaign IDThe campaign id.ad_campaign_idstring
Ad Campaign NameThe campaign name.ad_campaign_namestring
Ad SizeThe size of the ad unit.ad_sizestring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Rating ValueThe rating value chosen.rating_valuenumber
Maximum RatingThe maximum possible rating value.max_rating_valuenumber


Custom Events:

  • Level Attempt
  • Reward Unlocked
  • Level Start


Standard Events:

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName of item.namestring
Content IDA unique item identifier.content_idstring
Item QuantityThe quantity added.quantitynumber
Referral FormSource or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName of item.namestring
Content IDA unique item identifier.content_idstring
Referral FromSource or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameOne or multiple names of the items in the cart.namestring
Content IDOne or multiple item identifiers of the items in the cart.content_idstring
Checkout as GuestAny data related to guest checkout status.checkout_as_gueststring
CurrencyCurrency to be used.currencystring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName(s) of items purchased.namestring
Content IDIdentifier(s) of the items purchased.content_idstring
PriceThe total revenue from this purchase.sum

CurrencyThe currency used.currencystring
Checkout as GuestAny data related to guest checkout status.checkout_as_gueststring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
URIThe query string or uri.uristring
ResultsThe results of the search.resultsstring

NOTE: The Ad View event type is intended for True LTV use. A typical Ad View often consists only of Ad Type, Ad Network Name and Ad Placement, while other values should be populated if known.

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Ad TypeThe type or identifier of the ad unit.ad_typestring
Ad Network NameThe ad network name.ad_network_namestring
Ad PlacementThe location or placement of the ad unit.placementstring
Ad Mediation NameThe name of the mediation provider.ad_mediation_namestring
Ad Campaign IDThe campaign id.ad_campaign_idstring
Ad Campaign NameThe campaign name.ad_campaign_namestring
Ad SizeThe size of the ad unit.ad_sizestring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Rating ValueThe rating value chosen.rating_valuenumber
Maximum RatingThe maximum possible rating value.max_rating_valuenumber


Custom Events:

  • View Product
  • Sign Up
  • Sign In

Ride Hailing

Standard Events:

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Rating ValueThe rating value chosen.rating_valuenumber
Maximum RatingThe maximum possible rating value.max_rating_valuenumber

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique user identifier.user_idstring
User NameA unique user name.user_namestring
Referral FromSource or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
URIThe query string or uri.uristring
ResultsThe results of the search.resultsstring


Custom Events:

  • Ride Requested
  • Ride Completed
  • Share Ride Details

Entertainment – Streaming

Standard Events:

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName(s) of items purchased.namestring
Content IDIdentifier(s) of the items purchased.content_idstring
PriceThe total revenue from this purchase.sum

CurrencyThe currency used.currencystring
Checkout as GuestAny data related to guest checkout status.checkout_as_gueststring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Rating ValueThe rating value chosen.rating_valuenumber
Maximum RatingThe maximum possible rating value.max_rating_valuenumber

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique user identifier.user_idstring
User NameA unique user name.user_namestring
Referral FromSource or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
URIThe query string or uri.uristring
ResultsThe results of the search.resultsstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName of the item viewed.namestring
Content IDA unique item identifier.content_idstring
Referral FromView source or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

NOTE: The Ad View event type is intended for True LTV use. A typical Ad View often consists only of Ad Type, Ad Network Name and Ad Placement, while other values should be populated if known.

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Ad TypeThe type or identifier of the ad unit.ad_typestring
Ad Network NameThe ad network name.ad_network_namestring
Ad PlacementThe location or placement of the ad unit.placementstring
Ad Mediation NameThe name of the mediation provider.ad_mediation_namestring
Ad Campaign IDThe campaign id.ad_campaign_idstring
Ad Campaign NameThe campaign name.ad_campaign_namestring
Ad SizeThe size of the ad unit.ad_sizestring


Custom Events:

  • Video View
  • Free Trial Signup
  • Share Video
  • Subscribe


ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameOne or multiple names of the items in the cart.namestring
Content IDOne or multiple item identifiers of the items in the cart.content_idstring
Checkout as GuestAny data related to guest checkout status.checkout_as_gueststring
CurrencyCurrency to be used.currencystring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique player identifier.user_idstring
NameA name, number or description of the level completed.namestring
DurationElapsed time to complete the level, in seconds.durationnumber

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName(s) of items purchased.namestring
Content IDIdentifier(s) of the items purchased.content_idstring
PriceThe total revenue from this purchase.sum

CurrencyThe currency used.currencystring
Checkout as GuestAny data related to guest checkout status.checkout_as_gueststring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Rating ValueThe rating value chosen.rating_valuenumber
Maximum RatingThe maximum possible rating value.max_rating_valuenumber

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique user identifier.user_idstring
User NameA unique user name.user_namestring
Referral FromSource or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
URIThe query string or uri.uristring
ResultsThe results of the search.resultsstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName of the item viewed.namestring
Content IDA unique item identifier.content_idstring
Referral FromView source or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

NOTE: The Ad View event type is intended for True LTV use. A typical Ad View often consists only of Ad Type, Ad Network Name and Ad Placement, while other values should be populated if known.

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Ad TypeThe type or identifier of the ad unit.ad_typestring
Ad Network NameThe ad network name.ad_network_namestring
Ad PlacementThe location or placement of the ad unit.placementstring
Ad Mediation NameThe name of the mediation provider.ad_mediation_namestring
Ad Campaign IDThe campaign id.ad_campaign_idstring
Ad Campaign NameThe campaign name.ad_campaign_namestring
Ad SizeThe size of the ad unit.ad_sizestring

Custom Event:

  • Booking


Standard Events:

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique user identifier.user_idstring
NameName of achievement.namestring
DurationElapsed time to complete the achievement, in seconds.durationnumber

NOTE: The Ad View event type is intended for True LTV use. A typical Ad View often consists only of Ad Type, Ad Network Name and Ad Placement, while other values should be populated if known.

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Ad TypeThe type or identifier of the ad unit.ad_typestring
Ad Network NameThe ad network name.ad_network_namestring
Ad PlacementThe location or placement of the ad unit.placementstring
Ad Mediation NameThe name of the mediation provider.ad_mediation_namestring
Ad Campaign IDThe campaign id.ad_campaign_idstring
Ad Campaign NameThe campaign name.ad_campaign_namestring
Ad SizeThe size of the ad unit.ad_sizestring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName(s) of items purchased.namestring
Content IDIdentifier(s) of the items purchased.content_idstring
PriceThe total revenue from this purchase.sum

CurrencyThe currency used.currencystring
Checkout as GuestAny data related to guest checkout status.checkout_as_gueststring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Rating ValueThe rating value chosen.rating_valuenumber
Maximum RatingThe maximum possible rating value.max_rating_valuenumber

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique user identifier.user_idstring
User NameA unique user name.user_namestring
Referral FromSource or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring


Standard Events:

NOTE: The Ad View event type is intended for True LTV use. A typical Ad View often consists only of Ad Type, Ad Network Name and Ad Placement, while other values should be populated if known.

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Ad TypeThe type or identifier of the ad unit.ad_typestring
Ad Network NameThe ad network name.ad_network_namestring
Ad PlacementThe location or placement of the ad unit.placementstring
Ad Mediation NameThe name of the mediation provider.ad_mediation_namestring
Ad Campaign IDThe campaign id.ad_campaign_idstring
Ad Campaign NameThe campaign name.ad_campaign_namestring
Ad SizeThe size of the ad unit.ad_sizestring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
Rating ValueThe rating value chosen.rating_valuenumber
Maximum RatingThe maximum possible rating value.max_rating_valuenumber

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique user identifier.user_idstring
User NameA unique user name.user_namestring
Referral FromSource or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
URIThe query string or uri.uristring
ResultsThe results of the search.resultsstring

ParameterValueRaw KeyType
User IDA unique customer identifier.user_idstring
NameName of the item viewed.namestring
Content IDA unique item identifier.content_idstring
Referral FromView source or referral to attribute.referral_fromstring

Full List of Standard Events

  • Achievement
  • Ad Click
  • Ad View
  • Add to Cart
  • Add to Wishlist
  • Checkout Start
  • Level Complete
  • Purchase
  • Rating
  • Registration Complete
  • Search
  • Tutorial Complete
  • Start Trial
  • Subscribe
  • View
  • QSS. (Quality Steaming Session >5mins)
  • First_Video_View
  • Share_with_friend
  • Authentication_Success
  • Watch_later

Standard Event Parameters

The following standard parameters may be included with any event. Custom parameters may also be used as needed, although it is highly recommended these standard parameters be used when possible. If implementing these parameters manually, please ensure that your values are sent under the Raw Key key names. You may mix and match parameters as desired for any given event, with a limit of 16 (sixteen) parameters at most.


Parameter NameRaw Key (S2S or Custom)Expected Type
Checkout as Guestcheckout_as_gueststring
Content IDcontent_idstring
Content Typecontent_typestring
End Dateend_datestring
Item Added Fromitem_added_fromstring
LTV Ad Campaign IDad_campaign_idstring
LTV Ad Campaign Namead_campaign_namestring
LTV Ad Group IDad_group_idstring
LTV Ad Group Namead_group_namestring
LTV Ad Mediation Namead_mediation_namestring
LTV Ad Network Namead_network_namestring
LTV Ad Placementplacementstring
LTV Ad Sizead_sizestring
LTV Ad Typead_typestring
Max Rating Vlauemax_rating_valuenumber
Order IDorder_idstring

Rating Valuerating_valuenumber
Receipt IDreceipt_idstring
Referral Fromreferral_fromstring
Search Termsearch_termstring
Spatial Xspatial_xnumber
Spatial Yspatial_ynumber
Spatial Zspatial_znumber
Start Datestart_datestring
User IDuser_idstring
User Nameuser_namestring


Last Modified: Jan 23, 2025 at 4:03 pm