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SDK Data Privacy and Safety

Various data is transmitted from the SDK to Kochava. This document describes SDK behavior and which datapoints are transmitted. It is intended to be used as the basis for:


Developing Document: This is a dynamic document that will be updated as Kochava adjusts to changes and updates.


  • When is data transmitted?

    Data is transmitted only during app runtime milestones such as the first app launch, user session envelopes, and when performing host requested activities such as measuring an event. Data is not transmitted otherwise and can only be transmitted while the app is running. When not in use, the SDK remains idle, awaiting instruction from the host, and does not continuously transmit data to Kochava.

  • Is data encrypted?

    Data is always encrypted during transmission via HTTPS.

  • Can data transmission be disabled?

    Datapoint transmission may be disabled on an app-wide basis, rather than per-user basis. Many attribution-related datapoint transmissions may be disabled through your Edit App page in the dashboard, while others may be disabled upon request through your client success manager.

  • Can data be deleted upon request?

    User data may be deleted from Kochava, so long as the request comes directly from the user.

  • Is the IP address transmitted?

    The IP address of the device is an integral part of any network communication and is not explicitly set or controlled by the SDK; thus it is always transmitted when the device communicates with Kochava or any other entity. The IP address is used to derive a general location for purposes of analytics and reporting, but may also play a role in attribution depending on your attribution settings.

  • What data is transmitted?

    Datapoints transmitted by the SDK are listed below. Keep in mind that some datapoints vary by SDK or platform, and datapoints are only transmitted if readily available for the given platform, and only if any required modules are present.

Android Specific Datapoints

These transmitted datapoints are specific to the Android SDK and are primarily used for attribution and install deduplication. Additionally, many of these datapoints are transmitted only if required modules are present.


Google Advertising IDGoogle Play Store advertising identifier.
Amazon Fire Advertising IDAmazon advertising identifier.
Android IDAndroid identifier.
Huawei Advertising IDHuawei advertising identifier.

iOS Specific Datapoints

These transmitted datapoints are specific to the iOS/tvOS SDK and are primarily used for attribution and install deduplication.


IDFAApple’s identifier for advertisers. The IDFA is automatically redacted as of iOS 14.5 if ATT authorization has not been granted.
IDFVApple’s identifier for vendors.
Apple Search Ads ResultsApple Search Ads attribution results.
Install ReceiptThe install receipt, which is used for validation.

Other Identifiers

These transmitted datapoints are common across most SDK platforms and are primarily used for attribution and install deduplication.


Facebook Attribution IDFacebook’s internal attribution identifier.
Kochava Device IDKochava’s internal identifier, which is scoped to the current install, rather than the device.
User AgentThe user agent of the device.

App State Datapoints

These transmitted datapoints are common across most SDK platforms and describe the state of the app. They are used primarily for your analytics and reporting and do not play a role in attribution.


App NameThe name of the app.
App Package/BundleThe Bundle ID or package name of the app.
App VersionApp version string(s).
Notifications EnabledWhether notifications are enabled for the app.
Installer PackageThe provider of the app installation (Android only).
Date of Install from StoreThe date the app was installed (Android only).

Device State Datapoints

These transmitted datapoints are common across most SDK platforms and describe the state of the device. They are used for your analytics,reporting and fraud detection; they do not play a role in attribution.


ArchitectureThe device architecture.
Battery LevelThe current battery level.
Boot TimeWhen the device was last booted.
Battery StatusThe status of the battery.
Cellular Carrier NameThe cellular carrier name.
Cellular TypeThe cellular carrier type.
Device TypeThe device model.
Display WidthThe display width in pixels.
Display HeightThe display height in pixels.
Locale SettingThe chosen locale setting.
Language SettingThe chosen language setting.
Network Is MeteredWhether the network is metered.
Network SSIDThe SSID.
OrientationThe device orientation.
OS VersionThe version of the device OS.
PlatformThe platform of the device.
Screen DPIThe screen DPI.
Screen InchesThe screen size.
Screen BrightnessThe current screen brightness.
Signal BarsThe current cellular signal bars.
TimezoneThe chosen timezone setting.

Kochava Owned Backup Domains

The following is a list of the Kochava owned backup domains that the SDK is capable of calling:



Last Modified: Dec 30, 2024 at 10:09 am