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S2S without Device UA

In scenarios where the device user agent is not able to be included on the install and event payloads, the device version can be sent instead, which will enable Kochava to manufacture a device user agent and perform modeled (IP + UA) attribution. (see iOS 14+ restrictions)

To formulate the device version, construct a string representation of the device model, OS name, and OS version (in that order) with each value separated by a hyphen. This value should be sent using the key “device_ver”.


Examples of a properly formatted device_ver include:

  • iPhone-iOS-13.6.0
  • SM-J727A-Android-7.0.0

Example Requests

To send an install/event from your application, call the following endpoint with a POST payload containing the desired JSON elements seen below.

NOTE: When a valid “device_ua” value is not being included, include a header on the request with the key “User-Agent” and value “Unknown”. This is necessary in order for Kochava to manufacture a device user agent from the device version that is sent.


POST Endpoint


Sample Install Payload:

	"action": "install",
	"kochava_app_id": "koconversionsdemo174ea19bc63928c",
	"app_ver": "3.3.0",
	"data": {
		"origination_ip": "",
        "device_ua": "",
        "device_ver": "iPhone-iOS-13.6.0",
		"device_ids": {
			"idfa": "kochava-test-idfa-2015-12-09-12",
			"idfv": "333BA75-FE08-AAA4-9EF0-98A6AD293FEC",
			"adid": "",
			"android_id": ""


Sample Event Payload:

  "data": {
      "usertime": "1521574016",
      "app_version": "1.0.0",
      "device_ver": "iPhone-iOS-13.6.0",
      "device_ids": {
			"idfa": "kochava-test-idfa-2015-12-09-12",
			"idfv": "333BA75-FE08-AAA4-9EF0-98A6AD293FEC",
			"adid": "",
			"android_id": ""
      "device_ua": "",
      "event_name": "SubscriptionTest",
      "origination_ip": "",
      "currency": "USD",
      "event_data": {
          "id": "123",
          "name": "Skis",
          "sum": 150
  "action": "event",
  "kochava_app_id": "<APP GUID HERE>",
  "kochava_device_id": "<CUSTOM VALUE>"


Last Modified: Dec 12, 2024 at 3:30 pm