Support Home > Campaign Management > Create a Twitter Reengagement Campaign

Create a Twitter Reengagement Campaign

Twitter is a SAN (Self-Attributing Network) but is still eligible to claim events as re-engagement conversions. The following document defines the process for creating a Twitter reengagment campaign within Kochava.

NOTE: Before the Twitter reengagement campaign can be setup within Kochava, ensure that a Twitter Ads account has been created, target events within Twitter have been created and at least one Twitter Ads account has been authenticated within Kochava. For more information on authenticating with Twitter, refer to our Create a Twitter Campaign support documentation.

NOTE: The reengagement campaign set up in Kochava sends event data to Twitter in order to build audiences and/or retarget known users and to know when those efforts are successful. If no corresponding reengagement campaigns are setup within Twitter, Kochava will only send event data to Twitter for audience construction and targeting, but will not “convert” based on reengagement campaigns.


CAUTION: With a recent Twitter update, a key/value pair was added called is_granular_data_sharing_allowed. When the value for this key is set to false the end user has requested that their data not be shared with the advertiser and Kochava will reject the claim and move to the next best attribution fit. Kochava HIGHLY recommends that advertisers join the Twitter Advanced Mobile Measurement Program (AMMP). Once the advertiser has joined AMMP, Twitter can provide the data needed for accurate measurement and you may receive expanded device-level data after granting Twitter the right to perform an audit to ensure that Twitter data is being used exclusively for measurement purposes. This is consistent with common practices throughout the industry. By joining Twitter’s AMM Program, you’ll receive more complete device-level data, which will in turn reduce the discrepancy between our report and Twitter’s dashboard. If AMMP is not joined, discrepancies between Kochava and Twitter reporting will exist.

Create a Kochava Tracker

  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. If not already created, create a new Twitter campaign. For more information about creating campaigns, refer to our Create an Install Campaign support documentation.

    BEST PRACTICES: In order to help with campaign organization, it is recommended that a segment be created for reengagement.


  5. Enter a Tracker Name.
  6. Select Segment Tools () > Add a Tracker.
  7. Select Tracker Type > Reengagement.
  8. Select a Network > Twitter:
    1. Twitter — iOS
    2. Twitter — Android
  9. Select the Twitter Account to associate with this tracker.
  10. NOTE: Multiple Twitter accounts may be selected.

  11. Enter the app Apple ID (iOS) or Bundle ID (Android). For further information about locating the Bundle ID, click here.
  12. NOTE: In the Kochava UI (User Interface) the terms “Package Name” and “Bundle ID” are both used to represent the app ID. The same ID number should be used for both fields.

  13. Select the Target Event.
  14. NOTE: The Twitter Target Event should match the event that will be tracked through Kochava. If there is not an exact match for the events listed in the Event Matching section, choose the closest match to maintain a handle on changes to event naming convention between Twitter/Kochava.

  15. Select the Post-Engagement Attribution Window.
  16. NOTE: By default, the Post-Engagement Attribution Window is set to 14 days.

  17. Select the Post-View Attribution Window.
  18. NOTE: By default, the Post-View Attribution Window is set to 0 days. The Attribution Window setting selected here is reccomended to match the attribution window that is within Twitter. If the attribution windows do not match, there will be discrepancies in the data reported.

  19. Select the Event Matching Event.
  20. NOTE: Reengagement attribution will be assigned for the created tracker in response to the event that is selected within in the Event Matching drop-down.

  21. Click Submit. (If no further trackers need to be created).
  22. Click Save and Add Another Tracker. (If additional trackers need to be created).
  23. Click Save & Create Postback. (To navigate directly to the Partner Configuration page).


Reengagement Tracker Settings
A. Campaign and Segment selection/creation section.
B. Select the Twitter Account(s)

Create a New Kochava Postback Configuration

  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. Select Apps & Assets > Partner Configuration.


  1. Click Add a Configuration.
  2. Select Network Configuration > Twitter:
    1. Twitter—iOS
    2. Twitter—Android


    Add a Partner Configuration


  3. Locate the desired postback event and Select Postback Tools () > Create.
  4. Enter the App ID:
    1. iTunes App ID (iOS)
    2. Package Name (Android)
  5. Enter the Twitter Conversion Type.
  6. NOTE: The Twitter Conversion Type must match the conventions established by Twitter. For a list of Twitter events, click here.

  7. Select a Delivery Delay.
  8. NOTE: By default, the Delivery Delay is set to Realtime Delivery.

  9. Select the number of Retry Attempts.
  10. NOTE: By default, the number of Retry Attempts is set to 3 Attempts.

  11. Select the Delivery Method.
  12. NOTE: By default, the Delivery Method is set to All.

  13. Click Save.


Reengagement Postback Settings


Last Modified: Jul 19, 2023 at 12:51 pm