Support Home > Campaign Management > Create a Reengagement Campaign

Create a Reengagement Campaign

Feature Summary: A reengagement campaign is designed to target users, who were active in an app and have ceased using it, with an offer to incentivize a desired in-app action. In a reengagement campaign, clicks are matched with events for attribution. The following document defines the process for creating a reengagement campaign within Kochava. If you are planning on running a re-install reengagement campaign you will want to first make sure you have updated the install reprocessing lookback window, this process is outlined here.


NOTE: The Reengagement Campaign setup process for iOS and Android is similar and therefore this document will cover the setup for both operating systems, with specific differences noted.

Create a Reengagement Campaign

  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. Select Links > Campaign Manager.


  1. Click Add a Tracker or Select Segment Tools () > Add a Tracker.
    1. Select the Campaign.
    2. Select the Segment.


    Add a Tracker


    NOTE: In order to streamline the Campaign/Segment/Tracker creation process a feature has been added to allow the creation of campaigns and segments while creating a new tracker. For more information about creating a campaign or segment while adding a new tracker, refer to our Create an Install Campaign support document.

  2. Enter Tracker Name.
  3. Select Tracker Type > Reengagement.
  4. Select a Media Partner.
  5. Select an Agency Partner. (optional)
  6. NOTE: The Share With Publisher setting allows the associated publisher to view the settings for this tracker. If unchecked, the associated publisher will not be able to view the settings for this tracker.

  7. Select the Destination URL Type:
    1. Custom
    2. Google Referrer (Android Only)
    3. Landing Page

    NOTE: For more information on creating and using Landing Pages, refer to our Landing Page Creation and Maintenance support documentation.

  8. Enter an Install URL.
  9. Enter a Deep Link. (optional)
  10. NOTE: For more information about deep links, refer to our Deep Linking support documentation.

  11. Enter a Custom Parameter. (optional)
  12. Select Event(s) for Reengagement attribution.
  13. NOTE: The selected event(s) will be the point of conversion for the reengagement campaign. Attribution will be awarded to the click that led to the reengagement event based on attribution configuration. Any LTV (Lifetime Value) will also be awarded to the source that drove the reengagement.

    NOTE: The lookback window for each post-install event may be individually set. For more information on setting an event lookback window, refer to our Post-Install Event Creation and Configuration support documentation.

    NOTE: SessionBegin event is now available to be used for reengagement. One session a day is eligible to be reengaged per day.

  14. Click Save (If no further trackers need to be created).
  15. Click Save & Add Another Tracker (If additional trackers need to be created).
  16. Click Save & Create Postback (To navigate directly to the Partner Configuration page).

NOTE: If an event that is required for reengagement is not present, ensure that the event is being passed to Kochava via the SDK or Server-to-Server integration.


Reengagement Tracker Settings
A. Campaign and Segment selection/creation section.
B. Select Event(s) for Reengagement

Minimum Time to Reengagement

Minimum Time to Reengagement (MTR) settings within Kochava provide the ability to establish specific lookback windows for any post-install event. MTR settings provide the ability to set a window for how long after attribution occurs that a device can then be eligible to be re-attributed for a reengagement campaign. For more information on setting an event lookback window, refer to our Post-Install Event Creation and Configuration support documentation.

NOTE: The “mtr_rejected”:”86400″ flag present in the custom_dimensions column in an event detail report indicates that the instance of the event did not meet the minimum time to reengagement requirements and that it is not eligible for reengagement. This feature can be configured in the dashboard under the “Events” tab. By default, it is set to 24 hours, which is why you see “mtr_rejected”:”86400”, 86400 = amount of seconds in 24 hours.


Last Modified: Jan 21, 2025 at 3:26 pm