Support Home > Campaign Management

Campaign Management

Campaign setup is a vital aspect of any successful integration with Kochava. With the largest selection of official network and publisher integrations in the industry, Kochava customers have comprehensive support for every type of campaign run across platforms and integration types.

Getting Started

10 Minute Guide to Your 1st Campaign
Create an Install Campaign
Create a Reengagement Campaign
Create a Kochava-Certified Postback
Create a Custom Postback
Post-Install Event Creation and Configuration
Create a View-Through Attribution Campaign
Default Reconciliation Settings
Partner Reconciliation Settings

Network Specific Instructions

Create a Facebook Campaign

Facebook FMP Naming Conventions
Create a FMP Reengagement Campaign
Facebook Web Tracking

Create a Twitter Campaign

Twitter Partner Naming Conventions
Create a Twitter Reengagement Campaign

Google Ads
Marketing Platform – DV360 & CM360
Google Tag Manger Integration
Google Reengagement Campaign
Tealium Integration
Create a Localytics Campaign
Create a Line Campaign
Create a Pandora Campaign
Create a Snapchat Campaign

Create a Snapchat Reengagement Campaign
Create a Snapchat Partner Campaign

Create an Apple Search Ads Campaign

Apple Search Ads Partner Naming Conventions

Create an InMobi Campaign
Create a Yahoo! Campaign

Yahoo! Partner Naming Conventions

Create an Instagram or Instagram FMP Campaign
Mixpanel Postback Configuration
Create a Pinterest Campaign
Criteo Data Syndication – Event Setup
Create a Vizio Campaign
Create a Roku Integration
Create a Roku Campaign
Create a Roku OneView Campaign
Create a Spotify Campaign
Create a TikTok for Business Campaign
Create a WarnerMediaAds Campaign
Create a Petal Ads Campaign
Create an LG Ads SAN Campaign
Create an InMobi Glance — SAN Campaign
Create a Lyft SAN Campaign
Create a GumGum – SAN Campaign
Create a Reddit Campaign

Advanced Network Features

Kochava for Agencies

Kochava for Agencies – SAN Campaign/Postback Setup

Create a Deep Link
Traffic Verifier
Create a Total LTV Campaign
Smart App Banner Management
Create a Private Network
Create a Web Conversion Tracking Campaign
Create a Pre-Loaded App Campaign
Tracker Override Settings


Last Modified: Feb 28, 2025 at 10:31 am